11. Let I = [a, b] be a compact interval, and let M0 be the vector space of real continuous
functions defined in I and such that, for any / e }a, b[, the limit

(L(/))« = Mm (f(t + fi)+f(t-h)-2f(t))/h*
exists in R. All real functions which are twice difFerentiable in I belong to M0 .
(a) Let M be the vector subspace of M0 consisting of functions /for which L (/) is
continuous in ]a, b[. Show that any function of /e M is twice dhTerentiable in ]a, b[
and that L(f) =/". (Use Problem 8(a) and 8(b), taking S = I, A = B = ]a, b[, and for
N the subspace of M consisting of functions /for which f(a) =/(&) = 0.)

(b) Show that the function f(t) = t cos(l/0 belongs to M0 , although it is not dif-
ferentiable at t = 0.

12. What are the properties of functions with values in a Hilbert space which correspond
to the properties of real functions discussed in Problems 9(b), 10, and 11 ? (Cf. Section
8.5, Problem 6.)

13. Let / be an indefinitely differentiate mapping of a compact interval I = [a, b] c R
(with a ^ 0) into a Banach space.

(a) Show that, for any two integers p> q such that Q<p<q,
"f ll/»ll -. < °Z ll/wp) II -. + f ll/^toll r^r: dx
n=*p n\ n = p HI Ja (fl — 1/i
(For p^n<q, express /(n)(fl) using Taylor's formula at the point b.)
(b) Under the same conditions, show that
f* II/(P)(*)II r^r. dx ^ f ||/">Wi| -?—- dx +
Ja (p— 1)! Ja (^~1)!
'^WII -
n = p Hi
(apply Taylor's formula to/(p) and use Problem 4(c) of Section 8.11).
(c) Suppose /is indefinitely difFerentiable in the interval [a, +oo[ where a ^ 0, and
that for every integer n^Q, there is a finite number Mn such that ||/<B)(x)||^//i! < Mw
for every x ^ a. Show that for b > a and n < q,

and for a ^ x ^ b
m = fl \jn-qji
where the series and the integral are convergent (use Taylor's formula). Conclude that
one has
o X9-i
f ll/<P>(
(d) Show that, under the assumptions of (c), the function
(whose values are finite and 5*0, or +00) is increasing in [a, +oo[.